Monday 29 July 2013

the Arab spring

What a convenient name “the Arab spring” the publicity man who thought of that, for the chess playing leaders, of the world, ought to be given a mention. The slogan sound, fresh, new, a beginning, a new start, the end of a dark miserable time etc. What has it turned out to be? The slaughter of the innocent. Thousands have died nothing has changed. The so-called dictators who ruled countries like Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, and Iraq have gone, but what has changed? Instead of some sort of order, we now have chaos. Instead of the people knowing whom they are dealing with, we now have a vacuum. While the people in those countries who have had change fight and die. The same thing is happening in Syria, another country that had some sort of stability but now who is fighting who, Iraq, had a two major wars millions killed. Today the people are fight among themselves, for stability, killings are on the increase, “the Arab spring” indeed. While here in the west. We have political elite called the E.U. unelected not liked and forcing millions of people to live in poverty. They put people in control of countries, force cuts on every level. Why? Is this our “Arab spring”? Alternatively, is it another part of the same game of chess being played out in countries and cities far away? A game of chess with the pawns forced to live they way”they “want us to live, until the time comes for a new world order, where leaders are pronouced rather than elected. In parts of Africa this virtual happens now a small trial allowed to go on while those who would change the world monitor its progress Zimbabwe. South Africa, Nigeria to name a few. Only time will tell , time that some of the people going through this “spring time “ will never have.
what now after lady "T" does Cameron have the backbone? NO! So now her flag will be carried by a new face, not a political party, but a party of common sense. If you have good ideas? Or need a fresh approach?Are you sick of spin? Sick of the same old faded promises. Sick of manifesto lies? Sick of 3 parties with the same voice? You should join UKIP. left,right, centre, forget the politics, what is best for Britain. What is best for you , your children and our future. UKIP have, or will have the answers, if you join, you can take part , give us your ideas, give us your vision, give us your Vote. Councillor,s, mps come over to UKIP now. it makes sense. its common sense. its our future it could be in your hands.